The LEADERSHIP AND LIFE-SKILLS course is designed to increase participants’ knowledge and ability to apply the skills necessary for everyday living. Life-Skills emphasize personal values, human relation skills, thinking & decision-making skills, planning & goal setting, problem solving, basic leadership skills and competency.
The course is beneficial for:
Secondary and tertiary level students.
A range of professionals.
Personal development enthusiast.
Intro to life-skills
Basic leadership skills
Human relations & basic communications
Building confidence
Seven basic work ethics
Time management
Developing a spirit of excellence
Duration :
The total duration of the COURSE is 30 hours.
Course program:
Daily lectures over a period of one week.
Saturday courses for 9 weeks - Human Relations & Basic communications will spread over 2 Saturdays.
All courses are arranged in 45 minutes’ lectures with two 15 minutes’ break. The last segment is for group discussion and hidden gems (what they have retained and learnt).
Methodology :
the COURSE is educational and contains illustrative, interactive and practical applications.